'I am so happy that my amazing team and I were able to recently open a new online store to create a range of shamanically-based meditation journeys, spiritual guides and lovely rituals. It was really important to me that the experience you have online has the same level of preparation and energy that you'd have if we met face-to-face for a session. So, we spent lots of time ensuring that every single meditation (and even this website!) had frequencies aligned with enlightenment.
You may have seen the notes under each meditation relating to Attractor Fields and Levels of Consciousness. Well, this blog is to give you a little bit more information on them, so you can really understand the deep benefits you get from listening to them. Dr David R Hawkins MD PhD (psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer) carried out some research on quantifying consciousness, and from his findings he was able to put together a scale using Applied Kinesiology techniques. He called this scale, Levels of Consciousness or Scale of Consciousness. Dr Hawkins' research was utilised by Dr R K Ebert PhD (Clinical and Neuropsychologist) who recognised the healing power of this scale and used them to work on physical illnesses, pain disorders, emotional problems and spiritual development.
AuthorShamanic Practitioner, lighting your way Categories
October 2024