It’s that time of the year when many of us want to have a lovely and …maybe relaxing time with family over Christmas, while others just want to get away! Are your pets able to join you in what you decide? Our pets offer us companionship, sharing a unique connection that enriches our lives, fosters mutual love, and deepens our bond through shared experiences and energies. Because of this, creating a stress-free environment for our pets at home is so important. Having your pets with you whenever possible can greatly reduce their anxiety, and yours, rather than using kennels or catteries — where unfamiliar sounds, smells and surroundings can cause stress. Cats, especially, tend to dislike changes to their surroundings and can become anxious when taken out of their home. Small mammals like rabbits and guinea pigs also prefer the security of their home. Fish, obviously, should not be moved unless absolutely necessary. Birds can also experience stress when their environment changes drastically. Yep, you really can’t take your loved ones everywhere, and you definitely want to avoid taking them somewhere where celebrations can get out of hand, but on the other hand, you don’t want to isolate them for long periods of time. There is a lot of responsibility that comes with having a pet. Where can you find the balance? Let’s focus on travelling - what do you do with your pets? These days there are many pet-friendly hotels and lodges that welcome pets. Ideal for dog parents. However, should that option fail, or it’s too challenging or impossible to travel with your pets, finding a trustworthy friend to come and stay with them can sometimes be a workable alternative. Everyone is doing something over Christmas, or are they…? Here’s another option if you are wanting to stay overnight elsewhere and you can’t take your little ones… there are 5-star house and pet sitters who are available to stay over. And, they don’t expect payment and will even water your plants and collect your mail if you are away for a long period of time. I know this as I used to be an official pet sitter. You’ll be able to see, with full transparency, all their past housesits and reviews regarding how well they performed their duties. Nothing is hidden so it’s a good place to make an informed decision and you won’t owe them any favours afterwards. It sounds too good to be true doesn’t it! From this site you can actually have a reliable person to feed and walk your dogs, send daily pics and take care of daily chores like waste bin management and plant watering provides peace of mind.
Their online reviews and ratings from other pet owners can help you choose the right house and pet sitter, and you can always have a conversation beforehand, no strings attached, to ensure you're each a good fit for the other. I used to visit the parents and meet the pets before I committed to anything. I was often hired to administer insulin injections to diabetic cats, which wasn’t easy with unfamiliar pets, but experienced sitters know how to handle these situations, allowing you to relax and enjoy your holiday. Remember, our pets are sentient beings, perceiving energies around them. Ensuring they are in a loving, familiar environment helps keep them happy and relaxed, which is great for their health and great for you.
It was written in Spring this year, during some sessions with Kinesiologist Martin Lewis, that three people have a ritual to perform to ask Divine to help the emotion of fear to be released from humanity. This ritual was to take place at the Diamond Stone in Avebury during the Autumn Equinox. The three people involved were Martin, Julie de Vere Hunt and myself. Today, we performed the ritual and here is how it went...
If you are a therapist/healer working regularly on an energetic level, or even someone who works in customer service where you have to interact with others (online or face-to-face), then please continue to read this blog! What do you do to energetically protect yourself or cleanse after a session so you can regain your strength? It's so easy to do absolutely nothing! But don't be mislead, your energy may slowly be draining away from you... Healers always comment on how hard it is to work on themselves. I agree, it can be, however as part of my disciplined self-practice, I ensure I cleanse and balance before and after each session. I will give you some easy-to-do cleansing and balancing exercises later on in this blog. I also visit another practitioner on a regular basis to keep myself at an optimum level of health. Yes, it is a costly solution, but absolutely essential for me to do my work.
High toxicity in the body... this subject is very close to my heart. As a child, I was administered with a lot of antibiotics. Well, what do you do when your precious young daughter is struggling to breathe or has yet another debilitating ear infection that renders her bedbound?
Of course, it's another trip to the doctor who is already overwhelmed and struggling to help the ever-growing number of patients walking through the door each day. Wrestling with trying to individualise every person by offering some form of sympathy, when actually he/she is just severely worn down by the reality that this now has become a 'Game of Numbers', a mere production line of self-diagnosed bodies demanding answers. You may have watched the series 'This Is going to Hurt' which highlights the struggles of doctors in our NHS hospitals. Personally, what really hit home was when one of the trainee doctors, Shruti played by Ambika Mod, was thrown into the deep end and slowly started to become more and more emotionally detached, just so she could cope with the high demands of her job. I was lucky to be invited to a family constellation healing with Silvia Siret, based in Abingdon. When I lived in Germany, I had a one-to-one family constellation session. At that time, the facilitator used pieces of paper to represent my family members. To respect client confidentiality, I will only share a short snippet of what happened in Abingdon. I really do hope I am able to express how lucky I was to be part of the healing process. There were approximately eight of us at the workshop. We started with a lovely welcome meditation to help us to relax and ease into the sacred space created by Silvia.
The next stage was to select the person for whom the healing would be done. This task is ascertained by the number of volunteers and the facilitator Silvia's, higher intuition. A few attendees had initially expressed their wishes for help with family issues, whether it be related to ancestral lineage or a one-off incident that occurred within the family tree that has carried its emotional burden forward to the present. Once the person is selected, Silvia talks to them to discuss what had happened. Let's call the selected person Liz. Liz then has the task to pick someone from the group to represent a family member. This is done by Liz placing her hands on the other's shoulders and asking them to represent her 'mother' for example. Do you really know why the beginning of Spring is celebrated? I wanted to share this lovely article by Sarah Jane Dennis, who writes regularly for Alchemical Voice. The article gives you a clearer meaning and insight into the Imbolc celebrations - perhaps you will be drawn to creating your own special celebrations!
This blog post is an extract taken from a book called Mary Magdalene's Final Legacy and written by Julie de Vere Hunt. After I read Julie's first two books, 'Apostle to Mary Magdalene' and 'Mary Magdalene's Legacy', I was left with a feeling of deep and gentle love mixed with an element of humbleness. At times, I had goosebumps over my body as the feeling of higher truth resonated through me. My name will forever be associated with betrayal… I was born in Gaul in 63, shortly after my grandmother Mary Magdalene died. My name was chosen by my mother, Sarah, in memory of the apostle Judas Iscariot, who was wrongly accused of betraying Yeshua.
I was known to my family as Jude. My mother Sarah, was the daughter of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, which makes me their first grandson. My older sisters, Mary and Anne, chose not to marry, so it was on my shoulders to carry on the bloodline of Yeshua. Mary Magdalene founded the Therapeutae community at Lake Mareotis, just outside Alexandria in 33, which was where my mother Sarah was born later that year. When Sarah was nine years old they had to flee to Gaul in a boat, after they had been betrayed to the Roman authorities. They lived there happily for twenty years until my grandmother’s death in 63. This is where my mother met and married my father, Jean Claude, a native of Gaul. There’s more than this? We’re bombarded with images of life perfection and articles about having it all. It’s so easy to get caught up in a cycle of comparison. When I was younger, I often felt like I didn't belong. I used to have a feeling that there was something else out there; surely life really wasn't just what I was living? But, perhaps like you, I just couldn’t put my finger on it...
Although I had this underlying nagging feeling, it was much easier to hide away and do what society told me I should do, than face the 'truth'. Yesterday morning I woke up after having a dream about croissants, and the first thing that came to my mind was write a blog about dreams.
Are you similar to me? Can you remember your dreams when you wake up? Most times I remember them vividly, especially those that are very 'realistic'. I also get a strong inkling of what they are about. I have done some research and looked into them more with experts. I wanted to share some of my dream interpretations which you may also relate to. Perhaps having some insight will bring you some resolutions in your current life. Without going into each dream too deeply, here are a list of themes and brief interpretations. ![]() At the end of any private session, I talk about an integration period. I ask the client to keep in touch. It's important for you to receive support after the healing session. The healing does not stop as soon as the session ends, in fact it's like switching on a 'reset' button - changes will flow and you will continue to experience improvements exponentially. The healing you receive may produce a very unique and powerful emotional reaction within. All I ask is that you allow yourself to deal with it in your own way and in your own time. There is no right or wrong way and most times these ‘releases’ are unpredictable and unplanned, which may result in you feeling ‘out of sorts’. So always stay in touch with me so I can advise you on how to make things easier. Sometimes it may require further investigative work to find out if there is an external influence interfering and preventing you from making the good changes - yes, unfortunately this may happen. |
AuthorShamanic Practitioner, lighting your way Categories
October 2024