In today's world, we love a set of beliefs: you should do this, you're not authentic if you don't like this, or that. Those limiting beliefs still keep us all 'locked down' - forgive the pun. I, myself, have had to do work to break free of such beliefs. As a spiritual practitioner, people often assume (and so do I!) that I should look a certain way and live a certain lifestyle. But it took another practitioner to show me that in fact, I was holding on to unhelpful beliefs. I suddenly realised, an abundant universe doesn't work that way, truly following a spiritual path is about believing that the unlimited and eternal universe works with us and for us when we align with it. And if the Shaman wears Prada, and it makes her happy, those high vibrations are going to work for her highest good and that of others.
AuthorShamanic Practitioner, lighting your way Categories
October 2024