Here is an inside story of the discoveries that were made during a couple of remote shamanic healing sessions. When I approached a particular client to gain permission to share her story, she was over the moon and enthusiastic to share her experiences. For the purpose of confidentiality, my client will be called under the pseudonym of Lucy. I met Lucy a couple of years ago, she came to see me because she had been experiencing some unusual symptoms and wanted guidance and explanations to what was happening. Along our journey together, we have made discoveries, unearthed conspiracies and with the power of insightful knowledge, Lucy has been able to confidently move forward on her soul path. Remote session - April/May 2020 Jovi's version Lucy contacted me feeling that something wasn't quite right. Her list of concerns included the following - the dynamics at work had taken a turn for the worse, she began self-sabotaging, had a bout of 'bad luck' events involving some injuries and accidents, had a deep feeling of suppression which felt like she was being pushed down. Every client is different, some may pick up detailed feelings and symptoms and ask that I look specifically at these issues, and others will provide me with no information and ask me to investigate. Both situations do well with shamanic work, because I am guided by transcended, enlightened, all-knowing spirits who provide to me the most important information that the client needs at that time. I started Lucy's session by setting up a lovely crystal healing grid. In remote sessions I use a stick/wand as a proxy which sits in the middle of the grid. I then dowse to check which intuitive pack of cards should be used for this particular session. I was guided to select two dragon cards. Here are some photos to show the grid and cards selected. The stage is set, I have created a sacred and protected space to work in. At that point, I send a text message to Lucy to let her know I'm just about to energetically link into her. Lucy advised she is lying down, won't be disturbed, relaxed and ready to go. I make the connection, place her in the crystal grid and ensure she is protected asking that this session is set for her highest good. I start the drumming and journey to another World, another Realm, to ask the wise spirits for their guidance. I was immediately taken to a past life. The date was not given to me, it didn't feel like it was on this planet. That could be the reason why a date wasn't given. I was shown a King surrounded by women at his beck and call, Lucy was one of these women. These women were not free, they were held there against their will. Regarding the King, he may not necessarily be a King in the way we understand a King to be. He is the equivalent of a King in his World. Images, words, stories are shown to me by my guides, in metaphors. Out of all the women, the King favoured Lucy as he enjoyed having intellectual conversations with her. He was a being of great power and everyone succumbed to his every need easily. Lucy, however, shone brightly (figuratively speaking) and provided him with a challenge, he was not able to 'own her soul' easily and this pleased him. Little be known to him, Lucy was highly aware of his manipulative and egocentric side and was able to rise above this, so she was always careful not to rock the boat. A shamanic ceremony then commenced that involved the clearing of the emotional trauma that was manifesting in Lucy's current life time. We move on... I was then guided by my spirit helpers to a place where Lucy regularly walks. This is where some of the accidents were happening. It was another past life (BC). I was informed that there was a lot of fighting in this area from previous life times. Lucy and her family used to live in this area. A lot of blood had been spilled over these fields and hills. I was shown Lucy walking with a group of people from her community, she was on a pilgrimage to find healing for their homeland, to stop the bloodshed forever. Lucy was a very wise woman during this past life and knew intuitively that the way they were going was not the safest route to take and had urged the group to change course. Unfortunately no-one listened and all of them were killed on route. I was then given a list of instructions (a sacred prescription) for what Lucy needed to do to clear the energy of her ancestral lineage and heal herself from this traumatic experience. It involved a ritual to be carried out in the area, involving actions and creating an elixir of lavender, nutmeg and sage. My helping guides and I then protected the site so no more harm could come to others until Lucy was able to carry out the ritual. We move on... On a another remote session (images of the grid and cards below), my guides returned me to the past life where Lucy was held captive by the King to the time just before she was captured. We discovered that Lucy had been kidnapped from her home under the order of the King. This past life was of another World, not Earth. I was told that Lucy was 'stripped of her personal spirit'. With this knowledge and the tools provided to me, we were able to support Lucy to heal the emotional attachment to the trauma, dispersing all the anxiety she was feeling. I also needed to journey to when Lucy was 11 years old in this lifetime. Something traumatic had happened to Lucy at this age, which had triggered the fear of the past life kidnapping because it had not been dealt with properly. At 11, Lucy had found herself reacting to a situation in such an unusual and fearful manner, that left her astounded and baffled with no explanation as to why she behaved the way she did. This resulted in the fear intensifying. When this happened to Lucy, a part of her soul left her. To explain this further, when anyone goes through a trauma, the shamanic communities believe that part of your soul has to go away so you can live through the incident and come out alive. Ideally the soul part returns on it's own accord, or when you 'subconsciously' recall it. This happens once the person feels strong again, however due to the stressful times we live in, we are fragmenting ourselves regularly and the soul recall does not happen very easily, hence the reason for getting someone like me involved. Lucy's Version
HAS SPIRITUAL WORK HAD ANY BENEFITS? Jovi and I have worked together for just over two years, and I trust her implicitly. To give you an idea of the way spiritual work can transform situations that seem impossible, over the last three years I have, without even realising it:
WARNING! This didn't happen overnight. And it has happened absolutely imperceptibly. My life hasn't been perfect during this time and it isn't perfect now. But I am happy, I didn't think I would ever say that honestly , wholeheartedly and truthfully; knowing exactly what 'happy' means. I think Jovi probably did, though! WHY DID YOU REACH OUT FOR THE RECENT SESSIONS? The more work I have done with Jovi, the more I am learning to trust my own intuition. If I feel something is 'off' there is every reason to think it might be. I think as women we question our own power, feelings and intuition. I often feel like an imposter and don't trust my own instincts. Turns out there is a reason for this and I was feeling it. I had a spate of 'bad luck' and it was nagging at me that this was telling me something. I was also experiencing lots of strange coincidences. I was seeing the same numbers over and over again. Trouble was, I couldn't really interpret what this was. I just knew I felt uneasy. I also felt that no matter what I did I couldn't move forward. I would get one thing sorted and another injury/furlough/money issue/vet bill would crop up. We decided on a remote session. I think we ended up doing at least two on similar topics over a couple of weeks. WHAT HAPPENED TO ME DURING THE SESSIONS? Even from the early days with Jovi, in our face-to-face sessions, I would 'visualise' a lot! The links between what I 'see' during sessions always then enhance with what Jovi has found. It's always aligned and always helps give us more information. Strange! I'll say I kept seeing green, Jovi will have picked a green spirit animal card and so on... So I lay down in the first session and remember seeing lots of green, purple and geometric shapes and I also know I simply burst into tears for no reason about fifteen minutes in. I felt overwhelmed and confused by messages I didn't understand and keys I didn't know how to use. Over the course of the session, these images turned into smoke and I did feel better. As you can see, Jovi had picked green and purple dragons in the cards, one of which was holding a key! The session helped and I felt calmer. As instructed, I went to do the ritual on the piece of land where two concurrent bad accidents had happened to us. It was strange that the things Jovi had seen were persistent issues I was coming up against right at this minute. A feeling of being ignored, blocked, and then hurt. I felt some peace after this session and the ritual. However, there was still more to learn. I had a second session with Jovi as I still felt incredibly off-kilter and out of sorts. I felt as if we needed to go a little deeper with what we had uncovered. Remotely I lay down again and this time some really bizarre images came to me, insects with angel wings whispering that they were the shadow side of me. Feeling confused and disturbed I sat up, I was being given messages and shapes I really didn't understand. I drew a picture, no idea why and unlike anything I had drawn before. It contained shapes and numbers. At the end of the session we realised that whatever control these people had in a previous life, those memories were still exerting control over me now as residual memories. Trauma was a way of keeping me from finding my real self. Jovi explained that I had to find ways to protect myself, connect to nature, keep positive vibrations up and not allow myself to be suppressed by these issues. I was recommended to listen to some of the online meditations. The messages I was given in the picture related to things I needed to go and find out, a path (that I still don't quite understand yet) to rising above whatever negative influences are out there. And you know what, I feel better. Jovi helped me with one simple affirmation in the end, to trust my own instincts. That is what had been suppressed, and even in small decisions doing that was going to keep me in the positive and not in the negative cycle of perception trapped in my own head. I felt confused because I wasn't trusting my instincts. I made bad decisions because I was confused. I took things that happened badly because I had made a decision that didn't resonate with me and it led to something else negative. It was a cycle. Listening to the meditations helped me reach this state of inner peace. WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED? Things come at the right time and even if you think there has been no shift, there is. You won't go for your first session and have all the answers, it is a journey of discovery. Like reading an article or watching a programme on something you're interested in. The first episode inspires and enthuses you. You then just carry on and before you know it, you're more of an expert than you thought you were and there are loads more avenues to discover. Jovi and I talked the other day about the importance of 'integration' which is just leaving things, letting it be for a while. It isn't until you look back that you see that things have been shifting so gradually real changes are happening. I've asked Jovi to write more about integration because I think it has been so important to me and helps to know about it as you take your journey. Look out for that! Talk of past lives seems strange to many people. Parts of your soul being lost seems implausible and confusing. I would say this, as someone that works in the corporate world and was raised in a family of cynics: if by doing this you feel better, you learn to look within yourself for the answers and see happiness in small things within you and around you and not external things, who cares how that calm comes? And to those who have a slight inkling there is more to life than all the constructs and chaos we see around us I would say: shhhh, you're right, go with it and have a look!
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AuthorShamanic Practitioner, lighting your way Categories
October 2024