Do you know why you are here, on Mother Earth - what your life purpose is? Are you happy with life? Do you feel that you have found your passion in life? Are you living your soul mission? Do you feel something is missing? So many questions...! When I was younger, I always felt like I didn't belong, didn't fit in. I used to have a feeling that there was something else out there, that life really wasn't just what I was living... Perhaps you can relate..? It is sometimes easier to hide away than face the truth. It began when I was working as cabin crew. During break-times on the tiring long haul flights, feeling tired and exhausted... that was when I started seeing my first guide. In hindsight the reason it happened during the flights was because I was so tired I had no energy to put up any resistance and so my guide was able to come through easily. Well, I have to say at the beginning, it was very unnerving, very strange and hard to comprehend what was going on. I saw images of my guide - I used to only see his eyes to begin with, lots of wrinkles around them, a very strong, wise and powerful Native American, who looked angry all the time! Then I was able to see his face. The images were clearer than in 'real life' it's hard to explain how real it was. After I left the airline, I joined a meditation class in South London. A perfect location - very close to where my new job was and where I lived - meant to be. The highly intuitive teacher gave me direction and introduced me to meditation and to connect with my guides. She put me on the path of being a healer, which I now know is part of my life purpose - to provide a service of healing to others. The way I found these meditation classes was unusual - a tiny advert in the local newspaper, with only a few words 'Meditation - for relaxation and guidance, South London, Wednesdays 7pm, contact tel no xxxxx'. The ad could have easily been missed, it was so tiny and had no contact name or clear location. Despite the lack of information, I was instantly drawn to the class - it was absolutely everything I needed at that time. Things come to us when we need them - 'our prayers are always answered' (not always how we expect them to be answered). I started my healing path by first learning Reiki, and then becoming a Light Worker, connecting to other guides. I learned about Shamanism and Soul Retrieval which really propelled me forwards and it continues... I wanted to help others who may have been experiencing what I did, so I set up weekly meditation sessions and added the shamanic drumming element to the mix. The brain connects to and follows continuous rhythmic patterns of the drum. When your brain does this, it eases off from all the mind chatter and helps the body to enter a deep state of relaxation. This moment is when you can access your subconscious and make positive and powerful changes in your life.
I am now being pulled into creating retreats and therefore the weekly classes will be scheduled as part of weekend workshops. .....and there was I thinking that in my old age, I can start to relax...
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AuthorShamanic Practitioner, lighting your way Categories
October 2024